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Mistakes that Kill StartUp #9: Launching your Startup too Early

By April 25, 2017February 18th, 2020Startup
Launching too Early

Launching Your StartUp too early: This may see contradicting, but it is true that launching your StartUp WITHOUT just enough preparation can be pretty damaging as well, however not as damaging as a delayed launch. Your first launch creates an impact on the early adopters of your market. It is important to impress them (to some extent) with the features.

Your product doesn’t necessarily have to do everything right away. Early adopters can be fairly reasonable that way. But as long as you have your basic features intact and working seamlessly, there will be a receptive feedback.

However, it is not right to compromise on the quality of your product in a rush o launch. You are now accessing the first bar of target customers. If they don’t like it, they might not ever come back. And this needs to be taken seriously.

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