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Mistakes that Kill StartUps #8: Delaying your Launch

By April 21, 2017February 18th, 2020Startup
Delaying your Launch

If you’re taking too long to launch your StartUp, there is a serious flaw in your plan. Procrastinating and pushing the date of your launch can be damaging to your resources and your reputation.

It is important to understand that there is a need to launch “SOMETHING” soon. Not because you need to get it over with, but because you need the feedback. You won’t truly fathom the depth, and seamlessness of the product or service your providing until you get actual customer reactions and then work on them.

StartUps Founders usually say that they delay the launch in order to still work on the development of the product. When it’s mostly just a delayed process of what could have been done earlier. The reason for this could be the anxiety of having to deal with the prep for the launch or even the need for perfection – both of which are highly irrational. Don’t be an extremist about perfection and eliminate the fear of being rejected. As far as your preparations go – there’s going to be a ton of work, no matter how much time you take to delay it.

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