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Mistakes that Kill StartUp #10: Knowing your Customer

By April 25, 2017February 18th, 2020Quotes, Startup
Startup Ecosystem

If you’re building a product/service – you need to know who you’re building it for. Not having a target user in mind and building a StartUp is like making pancakes for your imaginary friend.

It is common among StartUp enthusiasts to believe that in order to truly do something successful, you need to be solving an actual problem. Most big startups are built on the foundation of their founders having actually faced the problem themselves. It is important to ensure that there is USE for the idea you conceive.

You cannot have a vague idea of users in mind and ASSUME people will want what you’re building. A large number of StartUp founders jump into the startup space to build a venture for no specific person in mind. Yet they seem thoroughly confident of the success and receptiveness of their product. It is at this point that most of StartUp fail.

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